Parents » Volunteers


Volunteering at Harding

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Harding Street Elementary.  To ensure the safety of our students we need to ask that you follow some simple guidelines. Please follow the steps below to get started volunteering:

  1. Complete the online registration form, submit & print the form.
  2. Print and complete the volunteer commitment form.
  3. Print and complete the parent / student / room form.
  4. Obtain a negative Tuberculosis (TB) test from your doctor/clinic.
  5. Submit all forms to the main office.

Once all forms have been reviewed you will be cleared to volunteer. 

Volunteer Opportunities (Also, watch for articles requesting help.)
Parent involvement at Harding is encouraged.  How often have you asked yourself these questions?

  • Why are there so many pupil-free days?
  • Who makes the dress-code decisions?
  • Who decides what fund-raiser to do and why are we always doing them?
  • What can I do?  I work full time.
  • How can I help make my child's school a great place to be?
  • Does the school really need my help?

All these questions can be answered very easily, but you need to be willing to get involved.  We value your input at Harding.

Our goal is to make parents a full partner at every level from the vision to the operation of the school. We encourage parents to become involved in school leadership and planning through our school councils, advisory committees and Parent Teacher Association. We invite parents to join volunteer efforts through our room parent program, classroom volunteers and school wide volunteer days.  We strive to keep parents informed through weekly parent workshops, weekly announcements, the school website, informational meetings, emails and phone calls.

School Councils

There are many ways for parents to participate in decision making at Harding. Each year parents are elected to the School Leadership Council (SLC), School Site Council(SSC), the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), and the School Safety Committee. This councils discuss budget, calendar and school policy. They meet each month in the Library after school. All parents are welcome to attend and participate in council meetings whether they are elected members or not.  Please consider getting involved in one of the school councils. We value your input.

School Leadership Opportunities:


What do I have to do?

Who, What, Where?  Call 818-365-9237

School Site Council 
School Leadership Council
Attend a meeting once a month as a participant or elected member. These two councils meet to discuss school goals and our plan to reach them. Council members review school budgets and approve the use of school resources. The council consists of parents, teachers and administrators and meets once a month at 2:40 in the school library. Look for a flyer reminding you about upcoming meetings.
Harding PTA 
(Parent Teacher Association)
Attend a monthly evening meeting when you can. Assist with fundraising efforts. PTA helps to fundraise for school activities. Contact: PTA President at the school. Look for the flyers reminding you about upcoming meetings. 
Room Parent Become a room parent and serve as liaison between your child’s teacher and the other parents in the class. Set up lines of communication between parents and help teacher organize volunteers and classroom events. Contact:
Community Representative or speak to your child’s teacher.

Other Volunteer Opportunities:

We work every day to create a comprehensive parent involvement program that provides parents with a wide variety of ways to become involved and contribute to their child’s education. We strive to empower all parents with information about every aspect of their child’s school experience.  We believe strongly that this will lead to academic improvement for all students. There are many ways to get involved at Harding whether you have time to every week or once a month.  Check the school website for upcoming events to volunteer.