OUR SCHOOL » School Policies

School Policies


If the weather is too windy or rainy, elementary students (Grades k-5) should wait in the auditorium until the start of class. The auditorium will open at 7:30 am for supervision. Student will be sent to class at 7:50



All students will not be allowed to play on the yard after school.  All students who remain after school 20 minutes past their dismissal time are required to be registered in an after school program.

If you can not pick up your child on time, please register your child in LA's Best, YMCA or YS (Youth Services for grades 2-5).

Absences & Tardies:

If your child is absent, please call the office and let us know why your child is out. 

If your child is tardy, please check in with the office and get a tardy slip.

If you pick up your child early from school, your child will be marked as an early out and will not be considered for perfect attendance. 

If your child is absent or tardy, you will receive an automatic phone call. You will receive this phone call even if you have called us to let us know why your child is out.

Birthday Celebrations

We do not allow birthday celebrations in the classroom for several reasons. 

Many students have food allergies on campus.  It is not possible for staff to insure that outside treats are safe for all students.  
Some families in our school community do not celebrate birthdays as part of their religious beliefs.

Birthday celebrations for every student in a classroom would take an unreasonable amount of instructional time over the course of the year.

Out of consideration for these issues, please arrange your celebrations for at home.

Cell Phones and Smart Watches

Students may use cell phones and smart watches before school and after school. Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and in their backpack during the school day. If they use their phone or smart watch during the school day, it will be taken away and a parent will need to come and pick it up. The school will not investigate lost, stolen or broken phones or smart watches.

Dress Code

Students need to follow the Uniform Dress Code Policy
TOPS: White, baby blue or navy blue polo shirts
BOTTOMS: Navy blue pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses and/or blue jeans (without any decorations or tears).

Emergency Cards

Every child must have a emergency card on file at school. It must have up to date phone numbers with people who can come and pick up your child if you are unavailable. 

It is important that you update any phone numbers or address changes. This is especially important when it comes to who we can release your child to in the case of an emergency such as earthquake, etc. 

 If you have a change of address, please submit a new proof of address (such as DWP or gas bill). If you have any questions, please call the office. 


The office does not open until 7:30AM. No students may be dropped off in the office at that time. Supervision for students starts at 7:30 AM. 

Students may not sit in the Office after-school while waiting to be picked up. The Office is limited on space, busy and the office staff is not licensed to  watch students. 

Visitors & Volunteers Policy

At Harding Elementary:
  1. Parent volunteers must sign in and pick up a volunteer badge in the main office. once cleared by the District (see Guidelines below).  Also, a volunteer must sign out and turn in their volunteer badge in the main office.
  2. For the safety of all staff and students; babies, toddlers and non-Harding students should remain at home while their parents are on campus volunteering or serving in a leadership capacity.


  • Request an appointment for a visitation date and time from the office staff after entering the school office.                     
  • Appointments may be scheduled for the same day and should be scheduled for date and time requested if possible       
  • Complete a visitor’s permit and obtain the principal/designee’s approval before proceeding to the classroom. 
  • Sign in the Visitors On Campus Log Roster in the main office.
  • Determine the classroom activity you are observing and keep the classroom observation time and frequency reasonable.                   
  • Follow the school’s established procedures for scheduling an appointment with the teacher(s) and/or principal/designee after the classroom visit, if needed.
  • If an appointment is requested, please write a request for an appointment with a staff member and, if possible, give the date and time for the scheduled appointment.                   
  • Return the visitor’s permit to the school office before leaving the campus and sign out before leaving the campus.


  • Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
  • Do not converse with the students, teacher, and/or instructional assistants during the visitation.
  • Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation.


  • Solicitar una cita para una fecha y hora de visita del personal de la oficina después de entrar en la oficina de la escuela.
  • Las citas pueden ser programadas para el mismo día y deben ser programadas para la fecha y hora solicitadas, si es posible.
  • Completar un permiso de visitante y obtener la aprobación del director / designado antes de proceder a la clase.
  • El visitante firma en el registro de los visitantes del plantel en la oficina principal.
  • Determinar la actividad de la clase que esté observando y mantenga el tiempo y la frecuencia de observación del salón razonable.
  • Seguir los procedimientos establecidos por la escuela para programar una cita con el (los) maestro (s) y / o directora / designado después de la visita de la clase, si es necesario.
  • Si se solicita una cita, escribir una solicitud de cita con un miembro del personal y, si es posible, indicar la fecha y la hora deseada.
  • Devolver el permiso de visitante a la oficina de la escuela y firmar antes de salir del plantel.


  • Entre y salga del salón lo más silenciosamente posible.
  • No converse con los estudiantes, maestros y / o asistentes de instrucción durante la visita.
  • No interfiere con ninguna actividad escolar durante la visita.
The delivery of fast food/beverages is strictly prohibited as it is not consistent with school food service
requirements, and it causes disruption to the school environment and the safety and well-being of
students and employees.
External food/beverage delivery is not conducive to a safe learning environment during the school day
for the following reasons:
- Unauthorized visitors may walk in or around the school perimeters
- Students may walk out of class to pick up food/beverages
- There may be food safety issues arising from non-compliant food preparation standards and/or unknown allergens    on campus
- School staff must be able to verify the unauthorized visitor’s lawful business on campus to ensure safety

To be in compliance and ensure safety, the District does not permit external food or beverages on
campuses unless District-approved. 
Deliveries made to the school by delivery persons of any type who are not District-approved are not
permitted and will be turned away. This includes but is not limited to:
- Meeting students at the door, gate, or school parking lots
- Leaving food at a designated drop-off location on the school perimeter
- Clubs or after school programs event parties *
- Waiting by the gate for the food/beverages
* Exception – class or afterschool club/event with the approval of the principal at least 48 hours in
advance and a staff member must meet the delivery person outside the school.

If a student forgets lunch, the student can contact the school office and the school cafeteria will provide
the student with a free school lunch.
La entrega de comida/bebidas rápidas está estrictamente prohibida ya que no es consistente con el
servicio de alimentación escolar, requisitos, y causa interrupción al ambiente escolar y a la seguridad y
bienestar de estudiantes y empleados.
La entrega externa de alimentos/bebidas no favorece un entorno de aprendizaje seguro durante la
jornada escolar por las siguientes razones:
- Los visitantes no autorizados pueden caminar dentro o alrededor del perímetro de la escuela.
- Los estudiantes pueden salir de clase para recoger alimentos/bebidas.
- Puede haber problemas de seguridad alimentaria derivados del incumplimiento de las normas de preparación de    alimentos y/o alérgenos desconocidos en el campus.
- El personal de la escuela debe poder verificar los negocios legales del visitante no autorizado en el campus para    garantizar la seguridad.
Para cumplir y garantizar la seguridad, el Distrito no permite alimentos o bebidas externos en el plantel
a menos que estén aprobados por el Distrito. 
- Las entregas realizadas a la escuela por repartidores de cualquier tipo que no estén aprobados por el
  Distrito no están permitidas y serán rechazadas. Esto incluye pero no se limita a:
- Reunirse con los estudiantes en la puerta, el portón o en el estacionamiento de la escuela.
- Dejar comida en un lugar de entrega designado en el perímetro de la escuela
- Clubes o programas extraescolares, eventos, fiestas *
- Esperando en la puerta por la comida/bebidas.
* Excepción: clase o club/evento después de la escuela con la aprobación del director al menos 48
horas antes adelantado y un miembro del personal debe reunirse con el repartidor fuera de la escuela.
Si un estudiante olvida el almuerzo, puede comunicarse con la oficina de la escuela y la cafetería de la
escuela le proporcionará al estudiante un almuerzo escolar gratis.
The Harding Safety Committee is focused on making sure our families are familiar with the LAUSD Emergency 
Response Procedures. Please remember if there is an emergency at school, such as an earthquake or lockdown, 
the students will be kept safe until you can come and pick them up.
Please take a few moments to review the following important LAUSD Emergency Protocol:
NOTE: Identification is required for student pick up and the adult must be on the emergency card.
- Go to the “REQUEST GATE” which is located on Wheeler Ave. between the YMCA and Room 38.
- Show I.D. and request child/children  
-  Pick up your child/children at the “REUNION GATE” which is located on Alexander Ave. near the kickball area.
- If there was a fire in the surrounding area, Harding would evacuate to the nearest Safe School Site (most likely        Hubbard St. Elementary School located at 13325 Hubbard St. Sylmar CA 91331 ,  818 367 1944).
Harding participates in monthly emergency preparedness drills. One goal of the training drills is to familiarize the
students and staff with the emergency procedures for our school. 
These drills also improve the school’s ability to protect students, save lives, and reduce injuries.
We encourage you to join the Harding Safety Committee because the safety of our students and staff is one of
our highest priorities.
If you would like to join our committee please feel free to attend any School Site Council Meeting. The dates are
on our Website Calendar and Weekly Bulletin.
El Comité de Seguridad de la escuela Harding se centra en garantizar que nuestras familias estén familiarizadas
con el programa de emergencia de LAUSD procedimientos de respuesta. Recuerde que si hay una emergencia en
la escuela, como un terremoto o un encierro, los estudiantes se mantendrán seguros hasta que usted pueda
venir a recogerlos.
Tómese unos minutos para revisar el siguiente protocolo de emergencia importante del LAUSD:
NOTA: Se requiere identificación para recoger al estudiante y el adulto debe estar en la tarjeta de emergencia.
- Vaya a la “PUERTA DE SOLICITUD” que se encuentra en Wheeler Ave. entre YMCA y Salon 38.
 Mostrar ID  y solicitar estudiante. 
- Recoja a su(s) hijo(s) en la “PUERTA DE REUNIÓN” que está ubicada en Alexander Ave. cerca del área de kickball. 
- Si hubiera un incendio en el área circundante, Harding evaluaría al sitio escolar seguro más cercano (muy probablemente la escuela primaria Hubbard St. ubicada en 13325 Hubbard St. Sylmar CA 91331, 818 367 1944).
La escuela Harding participa en simulacros mensuales de preparación para emergencias. Uno de los objetivos de
los ejercicios de entrenamiento es familiarizar a los estudiantes y al personal con los procedimientos de
emergencia de nuestra escuela. 
Estos simulacros también mejoran la capacidad de la escuela para proteger a los estudiantes, salvar vidas y
reducir las lesiones.
Lo alentamos a unirse al Comité de Seguridad de la Harding porque la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y
personal es una de nuestras prioridades más altas.
Si desea unirse a nuestro comité, no dude en asistir a cualquier reunión del Consejo Escolar, las fechas estan
en nuestro Calendario Web y boletín semanal.
Cell Phone Safety Recommendations for Apple and Android Phones
Safety features and uses from Ali Latif, Indirect Sales Manager of Southern California.
Screen Time Parental Control
1. Web Supervision
2. Time Supervision
3. Search Supervision
4. Social Network Supervision
5. Personal Information Protection
6. Video Supervision
7. Mobile App Supervision
8. Text Message Supervision
9. Location Supervision
10. Instant Lock
11. Email Alerts
12. Access Request
LAUSD is not affiliated with the companies listed
Recomendaciones de seguridad para teléfonos móviles Apple y Android
Características y usos de seguridad de Ali Latif, Gerente de Ventas Indirectas del Sur de California.
Control parental de tiempo de pantalla
Familia Norton Premier $49.99
1. Supervisión web
2. Supervisión del tiempo
3. Supervisión de búsqueda
4. Supervisión de redes sociales
5. Protección de información personal
6. Supervisión de vídeo
7. Supervisión de aplicaciones móviles
8. Supervisión de mensajes de texto
9. Supervisión de ubicación
10. Bloqueo instantáneo
11. Alertas por correo electrónico
12. Solicitud de acceso
LAUSD no está afiliado a las empresas enumeradas